Atanga Nji has justified government killing of civilians, saying the regime has monopoly of violence. Two communiqués from the Minister, Director of the Civil Cabinet, Samuel Mvondo Ayolo say that the solemn presentations of wishes to the President of the Republic and Ms. Chantal Biya will not be held in compliance with the Covid-19. barriers. A en croire le journaliste et lanceur d’alertes, un contrat de communication d’une valeur de 150 millions de Fcfa, a été validé par le Directeur du cabinet civil de la Présidence de la République, Samuel Mvondo Ayolo, à une mystérieuse structure appelée « ENVOL SARL ». Samuel has 1 job listed on their profile. This is a result of an investigation conducted by our colleague Moundé Njimbam, based in France. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Samuel’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Cameroon’s Head of State, Paul Biya, has been invited to take part in a Major Colloquium in Congo Brazzaville on October 24, 2020 and deliver a special message to youth of Africa and the world. Abonnez vous pour ne manque aucune actualité. Director reports about Samuel Mvondo Ayolo in 1 company and no less than 1 appointment in Luxembourg (Luxembourg) related to international Others, like the prime minister, act tough while simultaneously attempting to quietly negotiate with Ambazonian separatists. Dans l’édition spéciale qui revisite l’année 2020, Samuel Mvondo Ayolo, le directeur de la publication de « Le Temps des Opportunités », par ailleurs ministre, directeur du cabinet civil de la présidence de la République, dresse le portrait moral de l’homme qui a permis au Cameroun de plier sans rompre face à la tempête annoncée du COVID-19. In a video shot in front of the residence abandoned by Samuel Ayolo Mvondo, our colleague denounces the waste of public funds which, according to him, could serve to improve the living conditions of the Cameroonian populations. Décidemment, les actions de communications du Cabinet civil de la présidence de la République du Cameroun charrient des convoitises et suscitent de la polémique pour les adeptes du mensonge et de la calomnie. View Samuel Mvondo Ayolo’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Cameroun/Samuel Mvondo Ayolo : le serviteur de l’Etat qui dérange. On 21 January, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Central Africa and Head of UNOCA, Mr. François Louncény Fall, met in Yaoundé with the Cameroonian Prime Minister, Mr. Joseph Dion Ngute, and the Minister, Director of the Civil Cabinet of the Presidency, Mr. Samuel Mvondo Ayolo. Samuel Mvondo Ayolo : La récompense du fils du village. THE GENERAL SECRETARIAT. Samuel Mvondo Ayolo. Samuel MVONDO AYOLO par : Ministre directeur du cabinet civil à la présidence de la République du Cameroun, Ancien ambassadeur extraordinaire et plénipotentiaire du … Mr. Ferdinand NGOH NGOH, Minister of State, Secretary General … C’est un véritable scandale que vient de mettre sur la place publique Boris Bertolt. About this image Key Titles and Phrases (Last 30) Names (Top 30) Last updated on 2008-01-19T06:15+0300. PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE. This was followed by four other decrees appointing 19 ministers, including: a new Minister, Director of the Civil Cabinet – Mr. MVONDO AYOLO Samuel, a new Deputy Secretary General at the Presidency of the Republic – Mr. ELUNG Paul CHE, and a new Minister, Deputy Director of the Civil Cabinet – Mr. BABOKE Oswald. The most fervent of those surrounding Samuel Mvondo Ayolo, the director of civilian staff for the president's office and Biya's nephew, refuse point blank to collaborate with members of the opposition who boycotted Cameroon's "great national debate" late last year, and especially with Kamto. Phone : (+237) 222 238 005 Fax : (+237) 222 235 735 Email : Address : Down Town Yaounde, May 20 Boulevard Sans être diplomate, le nouvel ambassadeur du Cameroun au Gabon est un homme du sérail. Inside sources at the presidency suggest that Atanga Nji is very close to the director of the civil cabinet at the presidency of the republic, Samuel Mvondo Ayolo who is Biya’s nephew. In two communiqués signed on Monday, January 4, 2020, the Minister Director of the Civil Cabinet of the Presidency, Samuel Mvondo Ayolo informed the heads of diplomatic missions accredited to Cameroon, members of national constituted bodies, as well as their wives that the respective ceremonies of presentation of wishes to the Head of State and his wife for 2021 have all … Some members have taken on the role of “hawks,” such as Samuel Mvondo Ayolo, Civil Cabinet Director, and Paul Atanga Nji, Territorial Administration Minister. ici Subscribe now and miss no single … Human Rights Watch shared its research findings on June 9 with Ferdinand Ngoh Ngoh, the secretary-general and Samuel Mvondo Ayolo, the Civil Cabinet director, both at … Dans l’édition spéciale qui revisite l’année 2020, Samuel Mvondo Ayolo, le directeur de la publication de « Le Temps des Samuel has 1 job listed on their profile. View Samuel Mvondo Ayolo’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community.
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